The University of Southampton

QLM Seminar - Nanomaterials for Perovskite Solar Cells - Event

20th of February, 2017  @  13:00 - 14:00
Physics (46) - 5081
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Event details

Join us on Monday 20th February, at 1pm in the Physics Seminar Room (46/5081), for the QLM weekly seminar. This week we’re pleased to have Chris Bailey from the Hybrid Photonics group, who will be giving a talk titled “Nanomaterials for Perovskite Solar Cells”. -- Abstract: Despite many fundamental limitations, silicon is ubiquitous as a material for solar cells that convert sunlight to electricity. Many materials are emerging as competitors, offering desirable characteristics such as strong absorption of light, the ability to be manufactured using less energy, and greater compatibility with various device architectures. Such properties allow emerging ‘thin-film’ solar cells to be flexible and semi-transparent, presenting opportunities for unique applications. Perovskite is such a material, with a power-conversion efficiency that has climbed at an unprecedented rate, reaching over 22 % within six years. By combining perovskites with currently available nanomaterials, improved light-harvesting schemes and ultra-thin solar cells could be realised utilising processes such as non-radiative energy transfer, luminescence down-shifting, plasmon resonance, and photon upconversion. -- As always, tea, coffee and cake will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there! --- QLM Committee QLM Website: QLM Facebook Group: Twitter:
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