The University of Southampton

QLM Seminar - Magnetic Levitation: An Ultra-High Q Oscillator - Event

4th of June, 2018  @  13:00 - 14:00
Physics (46) - 5081
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Event details

Join us on Monday 4th of June, at 1pm in the Physics Seminar Room (46/5081), for the QLM Monday seminar. This week we’re delighted to have Chris Timberlake from the Quantum Nanophysics and Matter Wave Interferometry Group, who will be giving their second year talk titled “Magnetic Levitation: An Ultra-High Q Oscillator”. Full details are below. -- Speaker: Chris Timberlake Title: Magnetic Levitation: An Ultra-High Q Oscillator Abstract: TBC -- As always, tea, coffee and cake/biscuits will be provided. If you are able to bring your own mugs for any hot drinks, please do, as we would like to cut down on the waste produced by the seminars. We look forward to seeing you there! --- QLM Committee QLM Website: QLM Facebook Group: Twitter:
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